Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My websites

Besides this blog I own and manage the following websites which are also to help others.
The area of Bo Kaap is from my origin in South Africa, both my parents were born there and gre up in Bo Kaap. It is rich with history, culture and a growing tourist area.
When arriving in Australia, I was looking for a Halal Butcher and on a journey one day was looking for a mosque to pray in, I googled it and could not find anything, so started this website.
As we are a family that migrated to Australia from South Africa in February 2008, and everyone Kept asking me the same questions about what visa do I need? what to do when arriving in Australia, what to pack, how do I get there? etc.. etc.. I thought I'ld blog them, as these questions are asked. If you have a question don't be shy to ask, I do try and answer the questions in a blogm so that everyone can benefit :)

All the websites above are free to use and sustains themselves with the adverts placed on them. I hope they are able help you, as just in this blog.