Tuesday, November 24, 2009
update one table with data from another table
Table Structures and values:
TableA has four columns: a, b, c, d (a is the primary key column)
TableB has five columns: a1, b1, c1, d1, e1 (a1 and b1 together constitute the primary key for this table)
The foreign key relationship between the two tables is based on A.a = B.a1
The data in these 2 tables is as follows:
I. TableA
a b c d
1 x y z
2 a b c
3 t x z
II. TableB
a1 b1 c1 d1 e1
1 x1 y1 z1 40
2 a1 b1 c1 50
The requirement is to write a SQL to update columns b, c and d in TableA from the columns b1, c1 and d1 from TableB where-ever the join condition satisfies and e1 > 40 in TABLEB.
Results after the update:
a b c d
1 x y z
2 a1 b1 c1
3 t x z
SQL Server:
SET b = TABLEB.b1,
c = TABLEB.c1,
d = TABLEB.d1
AND TABLEB.e1 > 40
Note: This is an extension in SQL Server i.e. the FROM clause – it does make it simple to understand and is a nice feature.
Results after the update:
a b c d
1 x y z
2 a1 b1 c1
3 t x z
Happy writing SQL
Monday, October 12, 2009
Alter table column
An example table:
MbrID number(5)
FirstName varchar2(30)
Surname varchar2(30)
Now you wish to increase the length of the surname to 50 characters, as someone has a longer than usual surname.
Here is the syntax to do this:
alter table members
modify surname varchar2(50)
This has now been updated to :
MbrID char(5)
FirstName varchar2(30)
Surname varchar2(50)
When you wish to add a column:
alter table members
add DateOfBirth date
When you wish to remove a column:
alter table members
drop column DateOfBirth
When you wish to rename a column
alter table customers
rename column surname to lastname
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Find and replace text in MySQL and Oracle
He was actually going to update every single entry. I recommended that it the blog has all posts in it's SQL database and had to find all the fields which contained the text (old url address), with the new text (new url ).
Now I will show you and easy way to update this.
Go to your database SQL screen and type in as follows
UPDATE [your_table_name] SET [your_table_field] = REPLACE([your_table_field], '[string_to_find]' , '[string_to_be_replaced]');
UPDATE my_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(
, 'www.oldurl.com' , '
So armed with only one query per column table combination, you can easily update your blog or database with the new text.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Setting preferred domain
To set your domain in google, go to the www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ website and set your preferred domain.
After you set the preferred domain, you should force everyone to use this domain with a 301 redirect. You do this by editing your root .htaccess file, if hosted on a Linux server. If you do not have a .htaccess file you will need to create one first as follows:
1) Create a text file and name it .htaccess
2) Modify it with the preferred domain code (as details below)
3) Upload it to the root of your server (public www)
If you want people to redirect from non-WWW to WWW:
(for example, if someone types in http://yourdomain.com, it will forward to http://www.yourdomain.com)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^(.*)\.yourdomain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.yourdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
If you want people to redirect from WWW to non-WWW:
(for example, if someone types in http://www.yourdomain.com, it will forward to http://yourdomain.com)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.yourdomain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^.*$ http://yourdomain.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
Don't forget to replace “yourdomain” with the URL of your domain, otherwise the code above won't work!
Therefore by setting a preferred domain you are ensuring that Google and all the major search engines will only index your url web links from one domain. This will help your PageRank in search engine rankings.
So don't put it off, set your preferred domain, if you have not done so already! You will see your PageRank rise!Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Combine text using Concatenation in Oracle
When wanting to combine text you can use the concatenation operator
To place comma after every row returned use as follows:
SELECT table_name ',' FROM user_tables;
You may have a date that you wish to place in a CSV file, you can concentate as follows:
SELECT 'the date today is: ' to_char(sysdate, 'MM-DD-YYYY') ',' FROM sys.dual;
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Reverse function in Oracle
SQL> select reverse('string') from dual;
However you may not have the function installed and can use the following procedure:
SQL> create or replace procedure reverse(x in varchar2) as
2 a char(1);
3 i number;
4 begin
5 for i in 1..length(x) loop
6 select substr(x,length(x)-i+1,1) into c from dual;
7 dbms_output.put(a);
8 end loop;
9 dbms_output.put_line(' ');
10 end;
11 /
Procedure created.
SQL> set serverout on
SQL> exec reverse('Oracle')
SQL> exec reverse('string')
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Get last 2 financial years quarters
You can replace the '--- YOUR QUERY USING the @qtr_start and @qtr_end parameters' with your query, with the @qtr_start and @qtr_end as your search criteria.
@qtr_start DATETIME,
@qtr_end DATETIME,
@end_date DATETIME
-- your date parameter
SET @end_date = '2009-06-30'
-- initialise dates
SET @qtr_start = DATEADD(YYYY, -2, DATEADD(D,1, @end_date))
SET @qtr_end = DATEADD(DD, -1,DATEADD(M,3,@qtr_start))
WHILE @qtr_end <= @end_date
SELECT 'Quarter: '+convert(VARCHAR, @qtr_start, 3)+'-'+convert(VARCHAR, @qtr_end, 3),
--- YOUR QUERY USING the @qtr_start and @qtr_end parameters
-- get rest of the quarters until end date
SET @qtr_start = DATEADD(DD, 1,@qtr_end)
SET @qtr_end = DATEADD(DD, -1,DATEADD(M,3,@qtr_start))
Friday, July 17, 2009
Display html php code in blogger
display html, javascript and php code in blogger
PHP Include menu and footer
This is a beginners tutorial on how to create and include header/footer files at the top and bottom of all pages in your site. This comes in very handy, for example, when you want to update something that is the same on each page such as a menu or copyright notice. You would only need to update a single file to have the changes appear on all pages of your site.
Let's pretend you wish to create have 20 web pages for your site with the same design and you want to change a link in your menu. You would have to edit all 20 pages, right? Nope, there's a much quicker way allowing you to edit just one file for the mene or footer and really it's not as hard as it sounds.
What you have to do is create a header file and a footer file. The header file contains all the HTML code for the top portion of your site. The footer contains the HTML for the bottom. Content goes between the header and footer. Let's get started...
This is an entire HTML document to give you an idea of what the header and footer are and where the content fits in. The header is in blue, content is in red, and footer is in green.
create a file named :
<title>Title of your website</title>
<body text=black link=blue alink=red vlink=purple>
<!--- menu at the top --->
<p align=center>
<a href='index.html'>Home</a> | <a href='about.html'>About My Site</a> | <a href='links.html'>Links</a>
This is the content of a page on my site.
<p align=center>Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved</p>
After determining which portions are the header and footer, you need to cut and paste them into new files, lets name them header.html and footer.html.
The index.html file you are using as an example should only contain the content after this. Here's an example of how things are divided up.
header.html <html>
<title>Title of Site</title>
<body text=black link=blue alink=red vlink=purple>
<!--- menu at the top --->
<p align=center>
<a href='index.html'>Home</a> | <a href='about.html'>About My Site</a> | <a href='links.html'>Links</a>
<p align=center>Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved</p>
This is the content of a page on my site.
You now have header and footer HTML code in their own files. This means we can include these two files at the top and bottom (with content between) of any number of pages on our site. This is very convenient! For example, if you wanted to change a link in your menu, you would just edit it in header.html instead of every page of your site!
Now you only want to call the index page and have the header.html and footer.html included. The way to do this is to rename the page to index.php or anything.php as and add the follows:
index.php or anything.php for other pages on your site
<? include("header.html"); ?>
This is the content of a page on my site.
<? include("footer.html"); ?>
Thursday, July 16, 2009
This example will demonstrate grouping all sales by month, per product.
SQL> -- create your table
SQL> CREATE TABLE all_sales (
2 year INTEGER,
3 month INTEGER,
4 prd_type_id INTEGER,
5 emp_id INTEGER ,
6 amount NUMBER(8, 2)
7 );
Table created.
SQL> -- ad data into your table
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,1 ,1 ,21 ,16034.84);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,2 ,1 ,21 ,15644.65);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,3 ,2 ,21 ,20167.83);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,4 ,2 ,21 ,25056.45);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,5 ,2 ,21 ,NULL);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,6 ,1 ,21 ,15564.66);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,7 ,1 ,21 ,15644.65);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,8 ,1 ,21 ,16434.82);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,9 ,1 ,21 ,19654.57);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,10 ,1 ,21 ,21764.19);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,11 ,1 ,21 ,13026.73);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2006,12 ,2 ,21 ,10034.64);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,1 ,2 ,22 ,16634.84);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,1 ,2 ,21 ,26034.84);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,2 ,1 ,21 ,12644.65);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,3 ,1 ,21 ,NULL);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,4 ,1 ,21 ,25026.45);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,5 ,1 ,21 ,17212.66);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,6 ,1 ,21 ,15564.26);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,7 ,2 ,21 ,62654.82);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,8 ,2 ,21 ,26434.82);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,9 ,2 ,21 ,15644.65);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,10 ,2 ,21 ,21264.19);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,11 ,1 ,21 ,13026.73);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into all_sales (YEAR,MONTH,PRD_TYPE_ID,EMP_ID,AMOUNT)
2 values(2005,12 ,1 ,21 ,10032.64);
1 row created.
SQL> -- retrieve the records, just to check the content
SQL> --of the values inserted above
SQL> select * from all_sales;
---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
2006 1 1 21 16034.84
2006 2 1 21 15644.65
2006 3 2 21 20167.83
2006 4 2 21 25056.45
2006 5 2 21
2006 6 1 21 15564.66
2006 7 1 21 15644.65
2006 8 1 21 16434.82
2006 9 1 21 19654.57
2006 10 1 21 21764.19
2006 11 1 21 13026.73
2006 12 2 21 10034.64
2005 1 2 22 16634.84
2005 1 2 21 26034.84
2005 2 1 21 12644.65
2005 3 1 21
2005 4 1 21 25026.45
2005 5 1 21 17212.66
2005 6 1 21 15564.26
2005 7 2 21 62654.82
2005 8 2 21 26434.82
2005 9 2 21 15644.65
2005 10 2 21 21264.19
2005 11 1 21 13026.73
2005 12 1 21 10032.64
25 rows selected.
SQL> --PARTITION BY: divide the groups into subgroups.
SQL> --calculate the total sales amount per month
2 prd_type_id, month, SUM(amount),
4 FROM all_sales
5 where amount IS NOT NULL
6 GROUP BY prd_type_id, month
7 ORDER BY prd_type_id, month;
----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
1 1 16034.84 2
1 2 28289.3 1
1 4 25026.45 2
1 5 17212.66 1
1 6 31128.92 1
1 7 15644.65 2
1 8 16434.82 2
1 9 19654.57 1
1 10 21764.19 1
1 11 26053.46 1
1 12 10032.64 2
2 1 42669.68 1
2 3 20167.83 1
2 4 25056.45 1
2 7 62654.82 1
2 8 26434.82 1
2 9 15644.65 2
2 10 21264.19 2
2 12 10034.64 1
19 rows selected.
SQL> --drop table
SQL> drop table all_sales;
Table dropped.
can you believe it : A real SQL joke
A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and says 'Can I join you?'
There are heaps of comments follow them here.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Divide by zero error encountered
The workaround for the Divide by zero error encountered. error is by using the NULLIF Function as the the example below demonstrates. The NULLIF function returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equivalent otherwise a NULL is returned.
Usage: SELECT NULLIF(col1, 0)
When col1 = 0 a NULL will be returned.
Product VARCHAR(10),
Price DECIMAL(7, 2),
CostPrice DECIMAL(7, 2)
INSERT #Products SELECT 'A4 Books', 12.00, 6.00
INSERT #Products SELECT 'Pens', 0.10, 0.05
INSERT #Products SELECT 'Pencils', 0, 0.05
SELECT Product, (CostPrice / Price) * 100 AS PercentProfit FROM #Products
Will Produce the following Error:
(3 row(s) affected)
Server: Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 14
Divide by zero error encountered.
SELECT Product, ((CostPrice/NULLIF(Price, 0))*100) AS PercentProfit
FROM #Products
Product PercentProfit
---------- -----------------------
A4 Books 50.0000000000
Pens 50.0000000000
Pencils NULL
(3 row(s) affected)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sequence number in MSSQL
In Oracle, the SEQUENCE is the object place holder to use on a table trigger event.
In MSSQL, INCREMENT is the property and can be used as follows:
To test this, first set up your table, with the IDENTITY property,
followed with two variables (starting int , increment by value),
in this example the ProductID starts at one, and every new record
will increase the Product counter ID by 1.
(productID INT IDENTITY(1,1) ,
productDescription VARCHAR(20),
Insert some data into the table
insert into product (productDescription) values ('bicycles')
insert into product (productDescription) values ('cars')
insert into product (productDescription) values ('trains')
insert into product (productDescription) values ('buses')
insert into product (productDescription) values ('trams')
Select the data, to test the increment
select * from product
Drop test table
drop table product
I hope this article can you, and as always I welcome feedback on this article.
Friday, June 26, 2009
SQL Query to get customers with one product
You may want to find Customer that only has only bought one particular product in the Sales table
You will know the Product_ID is the in the Products table, in this example we use ProductID=10
In this example for each client you will find the lowest value Product_ID and the highest value Product_ID, then filters rows to those where Product_ID is the same as the variable.
--Written by Rishka Booran-Johnson
-- Get Customers with only one product
CREATE TABLE #Customers (
customer_ID int,
firstname varchar(30),
lastname varchar(30)
Transaction_ID int,
Customer_ID int,
Product_ID int,
Sale_date datetime
CREATE TABLE #Products (
Product_ID int,
Product_name varchar(30),
Product_description varchar(50)
INSERT #customers SELECT 1, 'john', 'smith'
INSERT #customers SELECT 2, 'sally', 'johnson'
INSERT #customers SELECT 3, 'joe', 'bloggs'
INSERT #Products SELECT 1, 'bicycles', ''
INSERT #Products SELECT 2, 'trains', ''
INSERT #Products SELECT 3, 'dolls', ''
INSERT #Sales SELECT 1, 1, 2, '2009-06-01'
INSERT #Sales SELECT 2, 1, 1, '2009-06-08'
INSERT #Sales SELECT 2, 1, 1, '2009-06-07'
INSERT #Sales SELECT 3, 2, 2, '2009-06-12'
INSERT #Sales SELECT 4, 2, 2, '2009-06-05'
INSERT #Sales SELECT 5, 3, 3, '2009-06-06'
INSERT #Sales SELECT 6, 3, 2, '2009-06-01'
INSERT #Sales SELECT 7, 3, 1, '2009-06-03'
@vproduct_ID int
set @vproduct_ID = 2; -- this would be your input variable for trains
SELECT s.customer_ID, c.firstname, c.lastname, MIN(s.product_ID), MAX(s.product_ID)
FROM #sales s, #customers c
WHERE s.customer_ID = s.customer_ID
AND s.customer_ID = c.customer_ID
GROUP BY s.customer_ID, c.firstname, c.lastname
HAVING MIN(s.product_ID) = @vproduct_ID and MAX(s.product_ID) = @vproduct_ID
DROP TABLE #Customers
DROP TABLE #Products
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
How to add Adsense in blog
When setting up this blog, I tried to add the Adsense account gadget that Google provides, for the side bar. When selecting this I got an error of "An internal error occurred. Please try again."
What will fix this problem is :
Log into your Adsense account
Select My Account then account access.
once there you will see a section headed Hosts with access
you will see that blogger is listed but you need to click "grant access", then select it, which should change it to "disable access" !
Hope this helps those that have the same problem.
How to check database growth
Sometimes you’ll want to know how much and how fast your database has been growing. Usually you will have a document that tells you the size information on all the databases, but this is not always the case in the real world. Considering that you perform regular backups, the following script can give you a estimated idea of growth over time of your database.
BackupDate = convert(varchar(10),backup_start_date, 111),
SizeInGigs=floor( backup_size/1024000000)
from msdb..backupset
database_name = ‘DatabaseName’
and type = ‘d’
order by
backup_start_date desc
Furthermore the Backup type can be used for the following types as well , making it easier to track other types of objects:
- D = Database
- I = Differential database
- L = Log
- F = File or filegroup
- G =Differential file
- P = Partial
- Q = Differential partial
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Keywords for your website
One of the key factors in SEO are good keywords, a keyword is what a users use to conduct a search in a search engine, such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. A keyword can consist of a single word, such as “cars” or an entire phrase, like “cars for sale” or even “cars for sale in Australia”. Over time you will find out the common keyword selections website users use to find your site and you can use these keywords to try to rank your website highly in search engine results pages.
A keyword tool I use is : https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
Saturday, June 13, 2009
RRN function in DB2
Here is an example:
Return the relative record number and employee name from table EMPLOYEE for those employees in department 10.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Formatted date in SQL Server 2008
There are quite a few occasions when a developer wants to extract a date in a specific format extracted.
Having used Oracle before I would use somthing like:
select to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY') from dual; or
select TRUNC(DateTimeField) to get the date only.
There is no equivalent in MS SQL Server, and you always have to use CAST or CONVERT, however using the SQL script developed by the author in this article, any MS SQL developer can write one common function and write a simple command :
select dbo.format_date(GETDATE(),'YYYY-MM-DD') as Date, to retrieve a date, the SQL code for the format_date as follows below, if you cannot find the web page.
Have fun and read the comments below the article when you are using SQL 2000 and SQL 2005.
/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[format_date] Script Date: 05/12/2009 23:19:35 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[format_date]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[format_date]
/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[format_date] Script Date: 05/12/2009 23:19:18 ******/
CREATE function [dbo].[format_date] (@inputdate datetime ,@format varchar(500))
returns varchar(500)
declare @year varchar(4) --YYYY
declare @shortyear varchar(4) --Yr
declare @quarter varchar(4) --QQ
declare @month varchar(2) --MM
declare @week varchar(2) --WW
declare @day varchar(2) --DD
declare @24hours varchar(2) --24HH
declare @12hours varchar(2) --HH
declare @minutes varchar(2) --MI
declare @seconds varchar(2) --SS
declare @milliseconds varchar(3) --MS
declare @microseconds varchar(6) --MCS
declare @nanoseconds varchar(9) --NS
declare @dayname varchar(15) --DAY
declare @monthname varchar(15) --MONTH
declare @shortmonthname varchar(15) --MON
declare @AMPM varchar(15) --AMPM
declare @TZ varchar(15) --TZ
declare @UNIXPOSIX varchar(15) --UNIXPOSIX
declare @formatteddate varchar(500)
--Assign current date and time to
if (@inputdate is NULL or @inputdate ='')
set @inputdate = getdate()
if (@format is NULL or @format ='')
set @format ='YYYY-MM-DD 12HH:MI:SS AMPM'
--set all values
set @year = convert(varchar(4),year(@inputdate))
set @shortyear = right(@year,2)
set @quarter = convert(varchar(1),datepart(QQ,(@inputdate)))
set @month = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),month(@inputdate)),2)
set @week = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(ww,(@inputdate))),2)
set @day = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),day(@inputdate)),2)
set @24hours = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(hh,@inputdate)),2)
set @TZ = convert(varchar(10),datename(TZ,convert(varchar(20),@inputdate)))
set @UNIXPOSIX = convert(varchar(15),datediff(ss,convert(datetime,'01/01/1970 00:00:000'),@inputdate))
if datepart(hh,@inputdate) >12
set @12hours = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(hh,@inputdate)) -12,2)
set @12hours = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(hh,@inputdate)) ,2)
if datepart(hh,@inputdate) >11
set @AMPM ='PM'
set @AMPM ='AM'
set @minutes = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(n,@inputdate)),2)
set @seconds = right('0'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(ss,@inputdate)),2)
set @milliseconds = convert(varchar(3),datepart(ms,@inputdate))
set @microseconds = convert(varchar(6),datepart(mcs,@inputdate))
set @nanoseconds = convert(varchar(9),datepart(ns,@inputdate))
set @dayname = datename(weekday,@inputdate)
set @monthname = datename(mm,@inputdate)
set @shortmonthname= left(datename(mm,@inputdate),3)
set @formatteddate = @format
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'MONTH',@monthname)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'MON',@shortmonthname)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'AMPM',@AMPM)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'YYYY',@year)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'Yr',@shortyear)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'QQ',@quarter)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'WW',@week)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'MM',@month)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'DD',@Day)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'24HH',@24hours)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'12HH',@12hours)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'Mi',@minutes)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'SS',@seconds)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'MS',@milliseconds)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'MCS',@microseconds)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'NS',@nanoseconds)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'DAY',@dayname)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'TZ',@TZ)
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'UNIXPOSIX',@UNIXPOSIX)
if charindex('ucase',@formatteddate)<>0
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'ucase','')
set @formatteddate=upper(@formatteddate)
if charindex('lcase',@formatteddate)<>0
set @formatteddate=replace(@formatteddate,'lcase','')
set @formatteddate=lower(@formatteddate)
return @formatteddate
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
SQL.. the beginning.
The first time I ever saw a database was in Paradox (database), in 1995. It was a huge learning curve, but I quickly learned what tables, columns and rows were. Then I learned how to build relationships and write SQL queries. (SQL is short for Structured Query Language)
This is how I then figured it was put together.
Every database has collection of one or more tables.
Tables are made up of rows and columns.
The rows contain the data and columns describe the format of the data, namely data type, for that column.
Imagine a telephone directory, information of a person’s first name, surname , address and ph number, this is how the basic table would be constructed:
Table: Phone_Directory
FirstName | LastName | Address | Phone |
Jake | Black | 123 Round Road, CA | 123 321-1234 |
Sonia | Coke | 19 Sailfish Road, WA | 232 555-5555 |
Mel | Brown | 32 71st Ave, NY | 614 555-5432 |